We all Desire Inspiration to Transform, to create our Dreams and live out our Desires, that Inspiration can come from anywhere or anyone. Finding a seemingly random pattern. Listening to a song and seeing how you resonate with it. Finding a sounding board through talking to a friend, confidant, mentor, spiritual guide or therapist.
Following your train of thought to hear the message at the end of your thought journey. Give yourself the advice you’d give someone else. Your heart already knows the answer you only need to listen and acknowledge. Step outside of yourself, tap into your GPS, your personal Guidance Power System. Write down your story then read it to yourself as if it was a letter from a friend rather than something you wrote for yourself. Reflect the empathy that you would hold for others back onto yourself.
My thoughts are manifested through writing. Messages that I receive become lamented once they’ve been written down. This is something I’ve recently begun accessing. I always had the desire to journal and would get upset later at what I’d written then rip my journal apart as if my pure rage would remove the image. In that act I taught myself a powerful tool to offer others. Write something down, maybe it’s your story, guilt, shameful thoughts or actions then rip it apart. Take the power away. Remove it from the SubConscious by giving it life through the act of writing it down, moving it to the Conscious mind and physical body as your muscles and bones write the words, then absolve those thoughts, emotions, traumas from your spiritual body through the destructive act of writing, ripping and burning.
Guided Meditation
Receive deep breaths expanding the mid-belly, inhaling through the nose, exhaling out the mouth with the a soft sigh of relief, AHHH. After those sighs of relief take slow inhales and exhales through the nose, drawing awareness to the cool sensations of breath through the left and right nostrils. Become aware of the sounds around you, both near and in the distance, beginning the meditation practice of Trataka, Deep Flame Gazing, and at anytime perhaps closing your eyes and tuning your awareness inwards.
Diving into this meditation
You’ve lost your way in a series of underground natural paths, it’s pitch black. You are engaging all of your senses to help you discover this unknown world. Your eyes begin to shift and become more aware of greys and browns, mixed with the shadows of black. Light has shifted, you feel yourself drawn towards a cave, a safe haven amongst the winding paths you’ve been navigating and seeing light ahead of you. Floating closer toward to the flame. Aware of another presence, familiar yet foreign. Staring at the light there is not one but two flames, twin flames. Representing the person you think you are and the person you know yourself to be. With the acknowledgement of this idea you witness the twin flames join as a blast of brilliant light. The warmth of the flame is pulling you closer, bathing you in divine energies. Guiding you to reveal what is the root of your intention, reminding you of your true form, your divine essence, overwhelmed by pure joy. The flame begins to shrink slowly, you follow the fire closer to the ground. You lay curled on your side soaking the warmth of the stone, cradling your head with your arm while one hand rests caressing the earth.
Rest here for your desired amount of meditation. If you can, stay awake and aware, however if your body is calling to sleep, you must honor that.
Coming out of Meditation
Slowly begin to increase your inhalations and exhalations until you feel the Prana, life force energy beginning to awaken your physical body. Send awareness throughout your body, scanning for any discomfort or bad space, while mutually bringing awareness to how deeply relaxed your body is. Merging two conscious thoughts, “I have areas that I need to move” and “I am perfect just where I am.” Allow your body to move intuitively. Opening the spaces that are ready to expand with the flow of fresh energy. Transition into poses that feel right for your body and take deep breaths there. Stretching and flexing your muscles in unison with your breath. Your Breath is the primary step of Aligning your Physical Body and Astral Body.
Ready to commit to helping yourself heal? Set yourself an intention based upon what triggers you had during this process and let me know if I can help in any way. I’ll be setting up more and more information throughout my process on ways to better guide yourself through these breakthroughs.