Jules Mansfield RYT

Step into a space where each breath is an opportunity for self-discovery and balance. Yoga is a vehicle to connect with yourself, the wisdom of the universe, the spirit of your true nature, and to your soul’s authentic purpose. Embark on a voyage of self-care, where the transformative practices of visualization, meditation, movement, mantra, and sound seamlessly intertwine to nurture you.

The goals of yoga therapy include moving toward improved overall health, and wellbeing; managing, reducing, or eliminating symptoms that cause suffering; and influencing stress responses, and positively impacting us. The combination of physical movement, breath awareness, and meditation can positively impact mental and emotional states.

If you seek a hollistic and intentional approach to yoga practices that are customized for you and your needs to form a sense of balance and integration by addressing the individual as a whole, considering physical, mental, and emotional aspects.

Yoga Therapy is the professional application of the principles and practices of yoga to promote health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship that includes assessment, goal setting, lifestyle management, and individualized yoga practices.

Jules Mansfield has been a student of yoga since 2014 and has participated in 1000+ hours of yoga teacher trainings. She does not claim to be a healer. Healing comes from within and your practice is a personal odyssey.

She will meet you where you are with a blend of yoga therapy practices designed for you. As we flow through your custom curated practice, we support equilibrium within the body’s subtle layers to awaken the vibrant inner light which resides within all of us.

Learn more About Jules

Learn more about Concierge Yoga Practices

Jules seeks to bolster your journey by sharing healing tools for implement within your daily life and help to change your relationship to and identification with your ailments. This includes the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of what you are experiencing.